Consulting, Coaching & Counseling
for Individuals and Families.
When you showed interest in a sport, your parents got you equipment, signed you up for a team and possibly got you extra coaching. Coaches work on fundamentals: hitting, running, catching, throwing. As you developed as a player, you understood how the fundamentals worked in the greater context of game strategy. Coaching by someone experienced in the big leagues was inspiring and valued.
Atwood Dementia Group specializes in coaching families through the treacherous process of progressive dementia. Like a ball coach, Pamela Atwood helps families and individuals understand fundamentals while helping them build a sound strategy to manage life with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.
We specialize in coaching families through the wearisome process of progressive dementia.
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Conveniently located in the heart of downtown Willimantic's business district, The Windham Chamber is great way to network and meet other businesses. Call them at 860-423-6389 to schedule a meeting and discuss your business needs or to meet with their Business Resource Center.
Psychology Today
The world’s largest mental health and behavioral science destination online. It is the original and largest publishing enterprise that is exclusively dedicated to human behavior.
View Pam's profile on their website.
For Pam, progressive neurocognitive disorders and dementia are personal. Her grandmother died from Alzheimer's. Her mother in law died with Parkinson’s disease. In 2014, her 57 year old cousin, Patricia, found out that her memory problems were due to young-onset Alzheimer's. She came to live with Pam for a month to learn how to live with AD. It's been a steady decline ever since, but Patricia lives her best possible life with the loving care of her brother, sister in law and nieces and nephews in Dallas. In honor of her family, Pam has dedicated her career to helping others coping with memory changes and family caregiving issues.
With a Masters in Gerontology and 30 years of senior services experience, Pamela Atwood has played in the big leagues. She has worked in community care management, skilled nursing and assisted living. Pam has been a sought after speaker for conferences around the country, has facilitated support groups for more than 20 years, has published articles, and co-authored a book with her husband, Tom.